
Are you ready to start a new journey to all-around wellness? After just one week you’ll feel stronger, energetic, and more grounded than ever! Check out our class types and join us on a trial period for just $49.99 for 7 days


Plyo muscle movements exert maximum force in short intervals of time with the goal of increasing power (speed and strength). This training focuses on learning to move from a muscle extension to a contraction in a rapid or “explosive” manner, such as specialized repeated jumping. Burn up to 1,000 calories per class and boost your resting metabolism, enabling a continuous burn after class is over. After a few weeks of enrollment, expect higher levels of energy, an endorphin rush, visible body toning, and a decrease in stress.


Our weightlifting course will develop and strengthen your body.  With a day-to-day plan, we will attack specific muscle groups to efficiently and effectively train you to become consistent, educated, and confident in your exercise techniques.  Each day will emphasize a focused routine with a Friday Finisher that will get you ready for the weekend.  Safety, form, etiquette, and modifications will be taught every day, so no matter your fitness level, we will make sure you are getting the most out of every minute you are here.  Contact us for a complimentary class.


In the outer safe space provided, we will use meditation to create space within. This guided meditation class will allow us to connect to and observe our entire self. In other words, we will connect with the universe within to better reconnect with everything and everyone else. The concept “As within so without, as above so below” rings true to this class. As we take the time to see into our inner universe, we will be able to observe ourselves without judgements, creating a safe space within so we can heal, become curious, have a clearer mind, a more open heart, and become a more conscious being. Let’s understand and love our selves in a deeper level, for a more loving and understanding world.


This energizing practice focuses on building strength, serenity, flexibility and balance, emphasizing the linking of breath with movement. Mental clarity, self-awareness, concentration and focus are just some of the positive benefits. Catered to all levels, this yoga practice is an excellent way to reconnect with yourself in this present moment. It helps create space within so we can heal, become curious, and better understand and appreciate our mind, body, and spirit.